




  • 一旦被录用,学生应该如何分析和考虑
  • 什么因素应该考虑工作机会
  • 学生应该在什么时候决定是否接受一份工作
  • 学生在接受工作邀请时应该考虑什么
  • 承诺接受和拒绝一份工作的重要性
  • 为什么学生应该通过电话而不是电子邮件来拒绝工作机会
  • 从学生过渡到入门级员工的最佳实践是什么
  • 在疫情期间,学生应如何准备虚拟工作空间
  • 作为一名新员工,学生可以做什么来让自己与众不同



欢迎来到由威廉玛丽雷蒙德梅森商学院(William & Mary 's Raymond A. Mason School of Business)伯利卓越金融中心(Boehly Center for Excellence in Finance)提供的“金融职业”课程。本播客将探讨金融服务行业的各个领域,金融领域的职业道路,以及其他实用见解,这些见解将帮助学生更好地理解并为金融领域的职业成功做好准备。一定要订阅我们的播客,观看我们未来探索金融领域的视频。现在有请主持人,杰德·豪厄尔。




首先,我将采取摩根的想法,总是说祝贺。我的意思是,你已经让这是为了获得工作要约。所以肯定给自己一个赞美和荣誉。就真正决定了什么工作要做,所以就能为你看起来像什么。我认为它真的是你的优先事项。所以,你知道,地理位置。这是你想住在哪里的好地方吗?当然,薪水是你需要的地方。And so when we think about salary, looking at where our projected bills may be, so if we have student loans, looking at how much those may cost per month, looking at our car and notes and insurance and just where you’re going to live as well. Right. So if you’re going to move to a different location, it may cost a little bit more or maybe a little less. So taking all those factors into consideration and knowing how that offer is going to help you within your personal life as well. But then also think about professional aspirations. So is this an opportunity for you to move up into a better role or a more significant role later in life? And then also thinking about it, just really aligning with your person, your priorities, and thinking about that. So I think it really depends on a personal level what’s going to be best for you and just really weighing those pros and cons and going from there.




是的,这实际上是我最喜欢的科目之一。对话提供评估和协商。这并不总是关于底线工资。总薪酬。只要能让你开心就行。我是利与弊清单的主要支持者,就像雷纳德提到的。我认为看一眼面试官并向他提问是非常重要的。我的工作是什么?对于这个级别的人来说,工作轨迹通常是怎样的?我在这家公司的成长道路是怎样的? And again, the geography, you can do anything for 12 months, for 24 months. But where can you move after that? And I will always tell students to negotiate. The answer is definitely no unless you do negotiate. So when you’re looking at that particular offer, make sure you understand that you don’t need to make a decision. When they give you that verbal offer on the phone, you’re going to take a pause. I ask my students to please not make any decisions until they’ve talked to their career advisor. And we walk through all the pros and cons of the offer, evaluation, and negotiation. Maybe maybe it’s not the salary that you’re negotiating. Maybe it’s more vacation time—so simple things like that. But I definitely believe that you have to look at the whole picture and then ultimately go with what your gut is telling you, what is going to make you the happiest for the bottom line amount of money that you need to be making.




当然。好吧,首先,说恭喜,因为最好的决定有时是做出决定,所以分析瘫痪有时会非常攻击。很好地了解你要么接受或拒绝要约。我们正在谈论接受报价。我认为有几件事要思考。尊重时间。对?我的意思是,一旦你做出了决定,无论如何,你就是你告诉你的雇主你的潜在雇主,还有其他可能待定的其他学生的优惠,这是一个可能待定的其他学生。所以认为你正在帮助你的同学你可以稍后告诉任何一种方式,所以他们可以知道继续或转到下一个方向。我们谈到了获取所有信息。 Patrice really nailed that. But that’s important. When you’re talking to your employer, you have outstanding questions that you need answered. Make sure you find that out. But the key is once you accept, it’s pretty easy, right? You’ve accepted. And that’s a win, and then you’ll sign the offer letter—things of that kind of fall into place from there. You’ll figure out your start date. You kind of work through the benefit plan and all the paperwork, and there’s a lot of paperwork, so just get ready. But I think the key piece on both sides, accepting and declining an offer, is you kind of update the others. And what I mean by that is if you have other outstanding offers and you decided to accept you, you need to tell the others that you’ve accepted another offer and go into declining we’ll talk about in a second. If you had an advisor, right, or maybe a mentor, maybe an alumnus or an alumna or faculty member, help make that connection, update them, they’ll want to know. Similarly, there’s a lot of reporting and things of that nature. So it’s helpful to let advisors know we’re proud of you, we’re excited. We’ll be the first ones in your corner, send you the huge congratulations and obnoxious, bold, and colorful responses because we’re just thrilled. You know, the declining offer is probably a little bit tougher. That’s a tough conversation, right? None of us want to hurt anybody’s feelings or make them think it was personal, or sometimes based on what Renard said, your priorities are just different, or maybe it just didn’t feel right. Or maybe you just had a better offer. Right. I mean, whatever the reason is, that’s your reason. And that’s okay. In your gut, you can never go wrong when you listen to your gut and listen to yourself. So trust your decision, commit to your decision on both sides. If you accept, your all in. You know what? You made your bed, and you’re going for it. And you know what? They’ll still be pros and cons when you’re in a job. It’s a job. That’s why it’s called work. Right? So you’re going to do things you love, and they’re doing the things you’re, like did to make the right decision. But you know what? You’re going to have in either job. Grass is always greener. It’s not. But you always think it’s greener on the other side. So I can’t emphasize enough commit to your acceptance and commit to your declines because, at that point, you’re moving forward onto a different path. And any path you choose, you’re going to find success. You’re a William & Mary student, right? I mean, you’re going to be successful. So trust your training, trust your education, trust your decision, and kind of move forward with that.




当然,摩根真的击中了要害。你要的每一方响应。如果你有一个工作机会,这真是一个糟糕的样子,如果你只是忽略它。即使你很高兴,你已经做出了决定。你跟某家公司去。如果你有所有这些其他公司也在争夺你的位置,你不告诉他们,你真的伤害你的同学和其他人,因为你的插槽可以提供给别人。而当我们的学生谁没有表现出我们的雇主,就是不回应他们,这真是一个糟糕找威廉与玛丽。和招聘人员越来越少,容易回来,并提供你的位置给别人。因此,只要有爱心,体贴。具有抑制谈话可能会有点困难。 Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news. It’s an awkward position to have. I counsel students, and I just let them know it’s a very small world. You don’t know when you’re going to be meeting these people in the future. And so let them know that it was a hard decision. Let them know that at this point in time, this other offer was just more in line with what you were looking for. And so it doesn’t have to be a personal rejection. It can just be personal growth for you. And oftentimes, you know, the companies are very understanding when you’re upfront and honest about that, but making sure that you go back in and let every single party know about it. Like Morgan said, those people that we’re helping you through the process really want to understand success with you and celebrate with you, especially if you’re in career services. This is why we do what we do. And so we love to hear your successes. So please make sure you come back and share with us, share with your mentor, share with your faculty members, your classmates, whoever helped you get into that particular position and helped you along the way.












是的,我想说,首先,要意识到过渡是困难的。所以,你知道,这将是一个你必须学习的过程不是你一夜之间就能掌握的东西。所以给自己恩典。但是,就像你提到的,现在就开始做这些改变。我经常告诉学生和毕业生的一件事就是要穿职业装。如果你买不起很多东西,可以找一些可以交换的东西。所以,你知道,也许白衬衫配不同的领带,或者如果你必须打领带的话。但是,看看着装规范和对工作着装的期望,是你想要做的事情。我不认为你只是穿着牛仔裤和t恤去上班。所以看看这些,然后决定什么是最合适的。 Thinking about, you know, schedules. So I know sometimes in college it’s easy to stay up until 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. and then, you know, sleep in or maybe get up at 6:00. And while you may say I can operate off of three or four hours of sleep, you’re going to be learning a lot of new materials and different processes and procedures. So give yourself rest, make sure that you’re getting ample opportunities to come into work refreshed, because even though you may say I can operate off of three or four hours, your your your body and your face may look like you’re tired. So think about that as well. I know scheduling opportunities to be present and there in the day. So while you’re at work, be there, give it one hundred and ten percent, and do know that they’re going to be new, just really requirements of you that you may not have to do in college. And so responding to email in a timely manner, it’s going to be something that is expected of you. Attending meetings on time is going to be something that’s expected, not texting during meetings or looking on your cell phones or not even really posting on social media unless that’s part of your job. Those are things that we may not necessarily think about, but something that should be considered. And I’ll say also find you a mentor. So someone who maybe works outside of the organization or maybe someone who works there, but someone who you can ask like this, what happened? This is what happened to me. How do you think I should approach this situation or someone you can run ideas by so that you can make sure that you’re becoming the best person that you can become and do know that we grow when we’re pushed outside of our comfort zones. So realize that this is going to be a time that you are pushed, but it’s going to be a time for growth and development as well.




是的,如此伟大的问题。我的意思是,我们有了这次谈话,我们甚至在今年有几个网络研讨会。当你从未工作过时,你如何在家工作?正确的。所以你必须在作为学生后调整学习办公文化并转移到职业世界。现在你已经这样做了。所以你有点在这个双刃剑,对吗?你有两件事要学习和两件事要适应。我想我认为巨大的部分是你的世界现在已经十分了十到十个或你的小虚拟盒子在某人的视频屏幕上。那么你身后的是什么? Right. What how are you? How is your body language? Somebody on the other side is expecting you to bring your A-game. And whether that’s a client, whether that’s your boss or your supervisor, whether that’s a colleague or co-worker or whatever. Right. Like they’re expecting you to be like you would be at an office table. Right. If you were going to do something in an office meeting, in a conference room, then you should be doing it virtually. And I think the keys are if you’re in a meeting, have your video on. Right. Interact, be present. It’s so easy in this virtual world because the chance to check some emails. Well, it’s not because then you’re half committed to your emails, and you’re half committed to the time in the meeting that you were in. And I think it’s also worth noting everyone’s busy in this virtual setting. We’re all adjusting. We’re all getting more emails. And I think the other key is communication. I don’t think you can over-communicate when you’re not face to face with somebody, and people’s communication styles might be different. So like I know Renard, and I have a great relationship, and I’ll call him, and we’ll get on video chat where Patrice and I have had many video chats, but sometimes I’ll just call her on the phone. Right. And it’s a matter of knowing your colleagues and your client, and you can have that conversation. Would you prefer to have a virtual video session, or would you prefer to do this via phone? Or if you’re comfortable, we can go for a walk outside and stand six feet apart. Right. So, I mean, you can decide what you feel is most comfortable. I’ll say, though, to in this virtual world, you still have to get dressed. I know that sounds so silly, but and I mean fully dressed. And I don’t mean because somebody might on the other side say stand up or you forget your own video, and you want to get coffee, and you’re sitting there in something inappropriate. Right. But it makes you feel better. Right. It’s important to stick with your routine. So if you’re a morning shower and you like to work out or whatever it is, still do those things and get dressed like you’re going to work. Because if you just sit in your pajamas all day and then you end the day and you go and watch TV and eat dinner and nothing has changed in your routine, it’s really challenging—some other advice. Make sure your workspace is different. So if you have the if you can try to make your workspace, an actual office or a different room in the house, that isn’t somewhere that you normally interact because again, it’s really hard when work and your personal life are intertwining. So try to find those differences within your house. But I think I think it’s same rules apply if you are in an office. Right. I mean, you’re still want to watch your P’s and Q’s. You still want to be a great team player. You still want to volunteer. You’re new at a job. And so much of what you’re going to learn is on the job training. So take that time to raise your hand and sit in on meetings and learn from other co-workers. Even though it’s virtually you can still learn, you can still grow and still learn the business and how you can make an impact.




这是个好问题。我想说,也许人们能做的最好的事情就是做得更好。所以别只做让你做的事。逻辑思考。你是聪明的人。你得到了这份工作。你要从威廉玛丽学院毕业了。从逻辑上讲,下一步是什么?所以当你采取主动时,你会在经理和同事面前脱颖而出。如果你觉得现在做这件事不舒服,那也没关系,但一定要问。 So you can ask your manager, would it be helpful if I did this and they will begin to rely on you as somebody who consistently goes above and beyond and takes a look at those minute details, takes a look at, you know, what would logically be the next step where when you get someone that said, I did the work, I have nothing to do right now, so I’m going to not do anything. You need to fill your day up. And so if you’re not getting the work from your supervisor or from your co-workers, reach out and say, is there anything else I can be doing? Is there anything else I can be working on or in that downtime? If you know you’re going to need sequel, eventually start learning that so that when you have that one-on-one update with your manager? You can say these are the things that I have worked on this week, and they will be absolutely astounded, especially if you continuously ask for what’s next or take that step and without being asked. You know, move on to that next logical step and help your colleagues and your supervisor out? I think that is extremely impactful.




是啊,我很喜欢帕特里斯提到的超越自我。所以我总是告诉我的学员和和我一起工作的人,你知道,寻找机会在组织内做志愿者。正确的。所以如果有什么事情需要做,一个项目,自愿去做。我知道有时人们会说,我做这些事是没有报酬的。虽然投资的回报可能不是马上就能看到的,但它会在以后出现,因为你获得的技能会帮助你以后能够做更多的项目和额外的任务。当公司的主管或者其他人说,我们需要有人来做这件事,他们会想到你,因为他们知道你以前是志愿者。同时,说要及时,及时地做出回应,在你的项目中。我知道当我监督别人的时候,我会把项目交给我可以信任和依赖的人。这个人不仅要把项目做好,而且要及时完成。 Who’s going to do it to the best of their ability. So think about responding, like I mentioned, in a timely fashion and in a prompt fashion, but also don’t do shortcuts and so that you can be the first one to get it done. So do so. Do it right, but do that as well. And then lastly, I would just say be present, like I mentioned earlier. So give one hundred and ten percent when you’re there, work, be there and be happy to be there because I know sometimes people complain about having to come to work, and that also can really be a detrimental to a person’s career as well. So be happy that you’ve landed there and do your best.




伙计,你们只是我必须划掉我写的东西因为帕特里斯和雷纳德说了。所以我会想一些其他的东西来补充,Patrice,我会分享的。当我第一份工作时,我在桌子上放了一张便利贴,上面写着,我今天还能做些什么?这就是我们的目标。我真的离开了,不知道还有什么别的,真的是我能做的一个干净的终点。雷纳德,我喜欢你说的值得信任。我也写下来了。我的意思是,你必须是一个可靠的人,人们可以信赖的人。即使是关于消极的评论,到处都是反对者和消极的人。我们都遇到过。 Right. At times you’re going to have bad days, and you’re going to want to vent. And that’s okay. Trust who you’re venting to, though. It’s probably good advice and know that kind of get that bad PR can follow you for a really long time. So take care of your reputation. Only you can control that. But what I really was going to say is that the best advice I think I can give is listen, right. You’ve got two ears and one mouth. Use them in that order. Take the opportunity to learn from the pros. You’re in an unbelievable situation. You’re probably in some incredible job. Whatever your job as you’ve landed it, you deserve it. But learn everybody started in a kind of bottom of the totem pole, and you’re working your way up. So allow yourself the opportunity through everything Patrice and Renard, and Jad have said to set yourself up for that success. And I’ll add that I think it’s important to know your strengths and weaknesses and not to have them define you. Sometimes they will, but and sometimes that’s a great thing. But be aware of them because you can fill those gaps, so the manager’s smart, or leader’s smart, they’re not hiring five of the same personality types, right? They’re hiring different personality types with the expectation that you’re going to fill the gap when they need X, Y, Z strength. So trust that. That’s why they hired you. So be aware of what you’re trying to make here. And if you had a weakness, that’s why you have a teammate that you’re like, hey, dad, can you give me a hand on this? Like, I’m really struggling, and that’s okay. Be aware of being able to ask for help. So those are kind of some key things I’d add, because that reputation, when you do build it, and you will build it, is probably how are you going to get your next job?



