
今天,嘉宾主持人Morgan Hutter欢迎Raymond A. Mason商学院商业分析、机器学习操作临床副教授Joe Wilck教授;Kendrick Ashton是1998届的校友,他是the St. James的联合创始人和管理合伙人,the St. James是一个生活方式健康和健康品牌。圣詹姆斯学院今年参加了一年一度的数据盛宴案例竞赛,Kendrick和Wilck教授今天加入我们,讨论竞赛——学生如何从真实世界的数据集中获益,企业如何从威廉玛丽学院优秀学生的输入中获益。




  • Kendrick在金融领域的职业生涯如何促成了圣詹姆斯酒店的成立
  • 圣詹姆斯的使命和重点是什么
  • 是什么导致了数据盛宴案例比赛的诞生
  • 数据盛宴比赛的愿景是什么
  • 数据盛宴竞赛如何支持威廉玛丽大学的数据科学研究
  • 圣詹姆斯将如何与数据盛宴比赛互动
  • 数据盛宴比赛将对圣詹姆斯学院产生什么影响
  • 数据盛宴竞赛如何为学生的真实世界经验做准备
  • 通过“数据盛宴”比赛,学生将获得哪些技能





欢迎来到伯利金融卓越中心金融职业播客。我是摩根·赫特,今天的主持人。今天我们很高兴能和大家聊聊即将到来的数据盛宴案例竞赛。今天和我在一起的是商业分析项目的Joe Wilck教授,Raymond a . Mason商学院的商业分析、机器学习操作临床副教授,还有我们的嘉宾Kendrick Ashton, 1998届的校友,是生活方式、健康和健康品牌St. James的联合创始人和管理合伙人。如果我说错了请纠正我,在北弗吉尼亚有一个四十五万平方英尺的校园。






首先,谢谢你们邀请我,摩根和威尔克教授。我很高兴能参加这次谈话,我希望它会对我们的学生和校友,以及与我们这所优秀的大学密切相关的更广泛的社区有用。当我刚出生的时候,我不是那种对商业感兴趣的孩子。我没有卖柠檬水。我没有割草机生意。我没有我确实有送报纸的路线。这实际上是相当有利可图的。但这并不是因为我从襁褓中就想到了商业点子。大学毕业后,我花了一段时间从事公共政策方面的工作,发现自己非常擅长提炼信息和提出建议,并激发与我一起工作和提出建议的人的信心。但我也意识到,这和我在大学接受的教育一样好。 I really didn’t know anything about the world. And so I decided that I wanted to get into business because I thought it would teach me a lot more about how the world worked, and I’d be much more informed about how it might be productive and contribute in my life. So I went to Law School and Business School at the University of Chicago. I thought long, long, and hard about spending some time practicing law, but ultimately concluded that I would be better served to be engaged in markets and deeply understanding how businesses function and operate. This insight around giving advice and inspiring confidence among the more seasoned people that I was working with led me to investment banking. And what I discovered when I became an investment banker was that I was incredibly commercial. That doesn’t sound modest, but it’s true. I found out that I probably should have had a lemonade stand and a lawnmower business because I just really took to finding business and convincing clients that they should give us business and finding opportunities to deliver the firm to customers and understanding where opportunities were, and being excited about participating and pursuing that was just a real strength. And I also liked to build things.




因此,对创造事物的渴望促使我帮助创办了Perella Weinberg,在那里,我帮助建立了一个投资银行,一个资产管理公司,与过去50年在高级金融领域最传奇的一些银行家一起白手起家。这段经历让我想要从零开始建立一个企业,一个面向客户的品牌,一个生活方式企业,这就是圣詹姆斯。但我在金融行业的经历教会了我很多战略,很多战术,很多企业如何运作良好,很多金融和达成交易的知识,但对这个对话也很重要,分析的严谨性。当我和那些正在考虑从哪里以及如何开始他们的职业生涯的人交谈时,我是金融的忠实粉丝,因为我认为它是如此多面的,有一个分析核心,有一个优秀的酒吧,非常非常独特。我想这就是我的故事。




当然。圣詹姆斯是一个表演,健康和娱乐平台,正如你之前所说,它的核心是一个占地20英亩,占地45万平方英尺的校园,在弗吉尼亚州的费尔法克斯县,离华盛顿特区仅一步之遥,有一种优质的表演,Wanisan娱乐体验。所以我们在一个地方聚集了非常引人注目的活动体验集合,其中包括优质的健身俱乐部体验,以独特的运动表现为导向,这是我们业务的主线。我们正在努力帮助人们最大化他们的潜力,这需要理解什么是准备,什么是追求卓越。在我们的每一项业务中,我们都深深致力于这一点。我们有一个五万平方英尺的健康俱乐部拥有最先进的设备。我们有十万平方英尺的场地,可以进行所有的草皮运动。足球,足球,长曲棍球,棒球,垒球,橄榄球,等等。我们有两层国家冰球冰球冰球的冰。我们有四个篮球场,九个排球场,一个奥运会标准的游泳池,八个壁球场,七个高尔夫模拟器,一万平方英尺的体操训练场地,八千平方英尺的棒球和垒球训练场地。 We’ve got a thirty thousand square foot active entertainment experience, which is branded super awesome and amazing. In that experience, we’ve got birthday party rooms, you’ve got virtual reality studios, you’ve got two gaming theaters, and then we’ve got obstacle forces climbing walls, battlezones, a trampoline park, et cetera. And then, to round it out, we’ve got these very complementary experiences that make the experience holistic. We’ve got a health-conscious food and beverage offering, which is called Vim & Victor. Food is fuel for performance, and so we want people to understand that food can both be delicious and be healthy. And that’s what we endeavor to do at Vim & Victor. We’ve got a six thousand square foot premium meta spa experience, which is branded Courted. And it the brand is obviously deeply connected to our overall brand experience. As you may know, Morgan. The St. James comes from the Court of St James. We have many, many courts at the St. James, and we want to court our customers, which means to seek with favor. And then we’ve got a retail boutique called Strivers. We’ve got a digital business which provides virtual training experiences for sports and wellness, and we’ll ultimately provide e-commerce and content on lifestyle experiences. And then finally




我们有5000平方英尺的诊所,由MedStar Health领导,它是华盛顿特区市场领先的医疗系统。他们提供初级保健、运动医学、物理治疗和其他服务。我们还有一万两千平方英尺的活动场地,包括传统宴会厅、预演区和报告厅。这就是圣詹姆斯号。我们提供了非常广泛的节目,包括体育项目和不同的生活方式体验,在那个地方,在那个地方,也在那个地方以外。毫无疑问,我们非常关注内部空间的优化利用。但我们不会被我们旗舰场馆的45万平方英尺所限制。我们在建筑之外也提供各种各样的体验和服务。面对面交流,但正如我之前所说,也可以通过数字方式。






你说得对,但我的意思是,合作和梦想,我的意思是,我相信这不仅是你和克雷格的梦想,也是所有走进这扇门并经历这种经历的人的梦想。曾经做过体育营销的我在想,哦,天哪,这是多么不可思议的机会和整个经济的发展。所以我只能想象发生的所有这些方面都需要大量的数据,对吧。你看着你的客户。你要看什么有用,什么没用。你怎么调整它?你需要在你的战略计划中做出哪些正确的转变?所以我要稍微把话题转移到乔和威尔克教授身上。跟我说说我们一直听说的数据盛宴竞赛。那么,什么是数据盛宴案例竞赛,它的创建愿景是什么? And I hear that there’s this double pitch. So talk to us about what this double pitch is and why that makes the data feast different from maybe other case competitions.


所以,简而言之,数据盛宴案例比赛是一场商业分析案例比赛,我们希望学生展示他们的数据科学天赋,同时也展示他们的商业智慧。我们喜欢和真实世界的客户合作,在这个例子中,就是圣詹姆斯。我们想把这个案例运用到不同学科和不同学生群体的竞赛中。所以,在这种情况下,我们有一些学生参加住宿项目,但我们也有一些学生参加传统的单行项目。我们计划将这个项目扩展到混合项目的学生或本科生。因此,数据盛宴比赛的愿景是拥有双音调。其中一个卖点是商业头脑。那么,学生们对业务了解有多深,他们能在多大程度上阐明自己工作的商业价值呢?这和Kendrick之前说的是一致的,他说要有信心和技巧来处理与主管们关于他们业务的对话。其次,我们也想让学生们展示他们技术上的严谨。 And so this goes back to the machine learning or the data science or the analytic skills that they have learned in their coursework and also showing that they can put the two together so that they, again, can showcase business value. So, all in all, it’s a double pitch. We expect the students to be effective at both, but there are winners in either category.










这听起来像是一个应用经验的完美融合,但体验学习也是如此。所以,Kendrick,我回头再问你。在讲了圣詹姆斯之后,我们讲了一些数据盛宴的愿景。St. James如何与数据盛宴进行交互,这个独特的事件如何为您的组织带来结果?


这实际上是我们与威廉玛丽公司MSBA项目和数据盛宴合作的第二年。就像当今世界的许多企业一样,我们的企业产生数百万的数据点。摩根,正如你之前所说,有效、有洞察力地使用这些数据对我们的商业智能工作和推动我们的业务成果至关重要。现在,关于我们的业务,我给出了一个可能过于全面的下载,但很容易就能看出,我们的业务是相当复杂的。我们有会员订阅。我们有体育场馆,我们在那里举办夏令营、联盟和团队等项目。我们提供私人课程。我们举办比赛。我们的水疗中心有会员产品。我们有各种各样的健康服务。 I mean, I could go on and on with the breadth and depth of the customer interactions we have. And that breadth and depth, coupled with the volume of interactions we have, creates a tremendous amount of data, not to mention all the data that you want to layer into your analysis around who those people are and where they live and what they do and what that tells you about identifying that kind of customer in other places. A complex business obviously creates complex data. And in addition to that, for us, there’s really no single system that supports the capture and reporting of all that data. So we got a really exciting challenge for the sophisticated, bright, disciplined students at William & Mary. We’ve got all this data, we’ve got all this complexity, and we’ve got a set of systems that are we’re improving by the day, but still don’t spit out on a daily basis the kinds of insights that would be impactful to the business in a relatively real-time way. And so when we got the opportunity to work with the program and collaborate, I mean, we were just incredibly excited. And as Professor Wilck said, this gives the students a really great hands-on opportunity to learn from analyzing somewhat messy, rough, real-world data sets, actual customers from actual businesses, and delivering that to us in a way that’s coherent and organized. And that is coupled with insights and recommendations. And it’s been fantastic. I don’t have to give a commercial on the quality of the students or the quality of the program. But suffice it to say, the students are exceptional, and the training that they’re getting is differentiated, is really, really differentiated and has helped us mightily over the last year that we’ve been collaborating into this year as well. I’ll stop there. But it’s a really fantastic experience on this delivered impactful insight for us.


我喜欢你的推荐信,我们的学生是多么特别。我总是说,我认为我们有最不可思议的校友,这来自于我们有最不可思议的学生。他们很聪明。当你让它们茁壮成长的时候,你会难以置信地看到它们能想出什么来。听到数据盛宴的情况也是如此,我很兴奋。我喜欢你所说的复杂系统意味着复杂数据。我认为这真的很有影响力,这是一个很好的方式来观察发生了多少事情,以及圣詹姆斯号对所有通过它的门的东西有多大的影响。所以做得好。威尔克教授和肯德里克教授,在座的两位。那么,这门MSBA课程、商业分析硕士课程以及数据盛宴等活动是如何更好地为学生在这个行业的职业生涯做好准备的呢?让学生从现实世界的影响体验过渡到现实世界的体验? And I’ll start with you, Professor Wilck.


好的,谢谢。就像Kendrick说的,MSBA课程确实允许学生处理这些复杂的数据集。我还想提一下,从现实世界的角度来看,我经常是学生们会发现自己或者在这种情况下,年轻的专业人士会发现自己在一个地方,他们必须学习一些新的东西,超越他们在课堂上学到的东西,并将其应用到现实世界的案例中。这正是数据盛宴允许他们在这里做的事情。只是简单介绍一下我们的一些课程以及它们与这个项目的关系。因此,学生们在这个项目中上的第一门课程叫做“通过商业分析进行竞争”,这为以道德的方式将分析应用于商业问题奠定了基础。然后,学生将很快转向学习数据库课程。现在,在这个特殊的竞赛中,学生们得到了一个数据库,然后他们需要把它整理成不同的信息。所以,再一次,这是另一门他们能够运用他们的一些技能的课程。接下来,学生们将学习随机建模、优化和机器学习以及人工智能方面的课程,这也是他们建立模型的地方。 And in this particular case, the students were able to apply many of those modeling skills to this particular case competition. And but it is interesting because they have to deal with the real-world data. So I’ll give you an example. A number of transactions occurred at the restaurant that Kendrick mentioned, and there were a couple of cases where the sale price was negative, and the students were like, wait a minute, why would the sales price negative? Well, it’s because it was a return. And that’s real world. You know, real world, there are returns, hopefully not many of them, but there are returns. And so, the students had to capture that information and then move on. But what’s really interesting about this particular case and again, as Kendrick mentioned, we have different types of customers. And so the students really are trying to learn about the customers and almost build like a customer profile because someone like me, a father of two young children, you know, in a married household, is going to use and interact with the facility in a different way than, say, someone who is in their 50s or 60s and their kids are out of the house, you know, that sort of thing, or versus someone who may be younger and single and doesn’t have kids in the household. So, again, we have these different customer profiles. And so our students were able to kind of capture that information and kind of help build those customer profiles, which will then lead to recommendations for how to not only market to those customers, but in a sense of the St. James, how to actually help them strive to better performance, which is one of their goals, I would imagine. So that’s how I think of the data feast, and this partnership with the St. James for this year’s case competition are really helping both our students showcase in our curriculum and also helping their organization.




当然。我的意思是,就像我们之前说的,学生们通过这次比赛获得了非常真实的经验。当我还在商学院的时候,我记得你们的案例研究包装得非常好,非常清晰。我们在商学院学习的案例一点也不混乱。我在商学院的时候,我们当然也有过真实的经历。但这是一个很好的例子。对我们来说,这是一个强大的,在圣詹姆斯学院全面的,复杂的,甚至有些混乱的机会,让学生们真正挖掘现实世界的数据集,然后带回结构化的,连贯的,分析性的见解,然后就像我在讨论开头说的那样,交流这些东西。鼓励我从事商业事业的原因之一是,我意识到自己在沟通方面有相当大的优势。没有比这更重要的事我不能说了。没有什么比能够向交易对手、同行和利益相关者阐明一系列想法更重要的了,能够推动事情的发展,结合对现实世界和混乱数据的深入分析,然后从这些细节中得出见解,并不是商学院的每一分钟都在发生的事情。 And so I think it really does give the students a sense of what they’ll be confronting when they’re in industry. There are very few things that are anywhere near as prepackaged as your traditional business school case engagement. You’re constantly dealing with things that are untidy, that need to be polished up, that require some instinctive leaps, you know, in addition to kind of rigorous analysis, and in this competition really does enable that.


本能的跳跃,我得写下来。我爱。这是一个很棒的术语。太感谢你了。我再问你们两个一个问题,从威尔克教授开始。通过与St. James和数据盛宴的互动,学生将磨练或发展哪些具体技能?然后是Kendrick,接下来的问题,你如何将这些技能转化为你在评估应聘者时所寻找的东西?同样,这可以通过你在金融方面的经验或者通过圣詹姆斯大学。威尔克教授,我先从你开始。


因此,这个案例竞赛最重要的一点是,学生有机会从头到尾看到一个项目。就像Kendrick之前提到的,很多商学院案例都是结构化的。它们基本上是为一节课或一节课而设计的,而这个案例竞赛并不是这样组织的。它的设计需要一整节课的时间,你知道,好几个星期,多次熬夜,还有这方面的限制。所以我认为最重要的事情不一定是技术,也不是商业头脑的一小部分。它是把所有的东西放在一起,必须讲一个有凝聚力的故事。我的一个同事他喜欢说你必须从这些项目的模棱两可的本质中找到清晰度。我认为这才是学生们真正能够展示的东西。他们会有话可说。我一开始一无所有,除了这个混乱的数据集和一个非常松散的范围。 And here were the recommendations, the visualizations, the communications that I had with the client, and that led to change. That led to a business decision being made.




我认为生活中有一些技能贯穿于生产活动中,你知道,严格的分析能力总是有用的,但供应不足。所以推动学生真正理解,正如Wilck教授所说,从一个相对不发达的东西开始,并拥有必要的资金,足智,想象力和分析技能,将它推进到一个非常有用的地方,可能比提出问题的人所认为的更有用,是一个非常有用的工具。对学生来说,这是一套技能和自信心的建立。所以这是一种他们以前可能没有过的经历。所以这是向他们介绍一套他们在职业生涯中会经常遇到的练习。但这也建立了自信,知道,嘿,我有这些学术经验,我做得非常好,但它们都是相当完善的。它已经定义得很清楚了。它是激烈的,严格的,但它有点像被端上了盘子。而现实世界不是这样的。所以我认为竞争很好地促进了这种努力。 But I also say that I think Professor Wilck touched on this. There are other skills that are useful in doing well in a competition that are not central to the exercise, but that are really helpful. And so that strategic skills, I think Professor Wilck talked about understanding the landscape within which the problem is sitting. So taking a step back and saying, okay, there’s different radii that expand from the problem that I can pull from that will help me have deeper insights around this. And so part of that is strategic, certainly part of it’s understanding the industry, but part of it’s understanding the strategic dynamics that are happening vis a vis addressing the business problems. And then there’s also a bunch of tactical skills that I think emerge from the exercise as well. And it’s tactical around how the operational issues that exist in the problem might be addressed, but also how you deliver information. So there’s both tactical issues within the business itself, and then they’re tactical issues within how you communicate the business issues to a client. Right. So so there are all these different pieces of this thing that I think are part and parcel of being a high-performing leader in any dimension of life. And I think it’ll serve the students incredibly well as they move forward.







