
今天在展会上,Jad Howell欢迎毕业生事业主任Patrice Lincoln,在Gohly Center的博士中心,战略参与副主任,雇主参与厅和雷纳里迈尔斯的战略参与和COHEN的遗址迈尔斯委员会职业中心。在我们的专家帮助学生回答他们可能有关于如何导航其潜在职业道路的问题的情况下进行调整。




  • 学生在寻求人际网络时,如何才能获得潜在雇主和校友的最佳关注
  • 学生应该使用什么场所进行初步的推广活动
  • 学生什么时候应该使用校友的电子邮件地址
  • 校对电子邮件的重要性
  • 学生如何对雇主和校友达到更舒服
  • 为什么学生应该尝试与他们的面试官进行个人联系
  • 在面试后,学生应该等多长时间才能发送感谢信
  • 学生可以利用哪些资源为面试做准备


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欢迎来到财政的职业生涯,展示威廉&玛丽·雷蒙德A. Mason业务学院威廉卓越的财务中心。该播客将探讨金融服务业的各种领域,金融职业道路以及其他实际见解,这些洞察力将帮助学生更好地理解和准备在金融领域的专业成功。务必订阅播客,并在探索财务领域时捕获未来的剧集。现在你的主人,哈德霍尔。

Jad Howell.

欢迎大家收看下一个播客。作为Boehly Center播客系列的一部分。今天,我很高兴向你们介绍三位在职业和学术咨询方面的名人。今天我们有帕特里斯·林肯,他是研究生职业管理中心的研究生职业指导和顾问。我们还有Morgan Hutter,他是Boehly中心战略参与副主任。最后但并非最不重要的是,我们有雷纳德·迈尔斯,他是科恩职业中心的雇主参与和规划总监。再次感谢你们三位,今天和我一起。我们很高兴听到您对许多问题的见解和观点,这些见解和观点可能是及时的,并且对学生在继续探索职业道路时非常有帮助。







Jad Howell.



是的,这是一个伟大的问题和我目前正在与学生一遍又一次地过度又一次地过度的主题。所以我们在威廉&玛丽的校友非常友好。骄傲是非常强大的。因此,您可能会与校友建立联系。But being that they are getting so many connection requests, it really will help you if you make yourself stand out a little bit more than just the generic vanilla message that talks about, you know, hi I’d like to learn more about the culture of your company. And so what about you or about that person, in particular, might grab their attention. So if you follow that person, if you’ve looked at any of their career paths, you can talk about their transition into their career and how you find it intriguing. If they’ve published anything on Facebook or LinkedIn, you can actually take a look at that article and mention that article. So people love to talk about themselves. So when you have that little bit more of a hook, and you’re asking them for just a small amount of time, like ten minutes for an informational interview, that can go a really long way to having them answer your connection over the other hundred that they’ve received.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



是的,我也会增加。如此之似和提到的帕特里斯。So if there’s maybe a particular organization that you’re interested in. Look and see if there’s information sessions within Cohen or the GCMC or within Boehly and attend those sessions, and then you have a connection right there from the individual who may be facilitated that that information session, but then also follow the organization on LinkedIn. So when they do publish new content. That’s something that you’re able to use as an introduction as well, so maybe you lead with I saw the post that the organization posted on LinkedIn, and I wanted to follow up with that, but looking for those connections so that you do have a way in and something that allows you to have a lead. I would definitely echo what Morgan and Patrice said with that.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



是的,我是说,我认为这是完全正确的。我知道我们可能很快就会谈。我可能会提出下一个问题,关于,邮件应该是什么样的最佳实践。正确的。我想在某种程度上知道你在写谁。正确的。这是巨大的。了解他们的职位和可能的经历,就像Patrice说的,看看他们的LinkedIn,了解他们是谁,他们是什么。你希望通过这种接触达到什么目的?正确的。 I mean, like Renard said, are you just asking about the company, or are you really trying to dive in and get to the meat and alumni aren’t they aren’t in your shoes, right? They know you’re probably reaching out for a job. But, you know, it’s not polite to say that in your initial outreach. Right. Get to know the alumni really sincerely care. We talked about this a little bit in prior podcasts, right? I mean, it’s really about building those relationships and building those networks. And that’s important, you know, and just some advice. You know, we’ve all been in a situation where we hit send, and we’re like, oh, no autocorrect strikes again. Right? I mean, that’s just like the worst feeling in the world. We’ve all been there, right?

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



是的,我认为这些是所有伟大的策略以及雷纳德在LinkedIn上提到了什么。检查那些第二个连接非常重要,因为这是否意味着您与直接与之连接的人连接。可以联系到你身边的那些秒,并要求他们提到的雷牙等雷达。我还会说,对于LinkedIn高级账户来说,这可能是值得的。因此,如果您在求职时尚未支付Premium帐户,则具有添加功能非常重要。然后摩根提到了关于自动纠正的,不仅自动纠正,而且很多学生都会采取群发方法。所以他们会有一条消息,他们会把它寄给所有人。我们在他们把错误的名字置于错误的地方看到它的时间和时间。他们忘了改变公司的名字。那些小细节非常重要,特别是如果你被别人联系。所以那个人就是信任你的联系。 And so just making sure that you’re taking that time, you’re slowing down, your proofreading, and you’re making sure that everything in that initial connection is accurate and correct. So you don’t want to send something to Jad that says, Dear Morgan. And so that is very important that you have those details accurate.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



绝对地。我认为这是连接和网络最重要的部分之一是后续疗法感谢。他现在真的很难做任何书面笔记,只是及时性。现在,随着每个人都在偏远的情况下,没有人肯定会给他们的家庭住址。所以跟进电子邮件,这是礼貌的事情。有人花时间耗时,与你见面。我会告诉学生,你知道,在你和他们交谈的时候记笔记。你连接了什么?就雷纳德提到的。找到这些个人连接很重要。 So how do you take it outside of, you know, just the dry work conversation? So how do you move it to a little bit of a civil conversation? And so it could be something similar or as simple as, you know, I just got back from a run. I feel so much better. Oh, you run. I’m a runner, too. So here’s this personal connection. And now you can talk about your joy of running and could virtually be anything. I’ve had some students tell me that in their background, they had a painting of a famous artist on the wall, and their interviewer saw that painting, and they had a discussion for fifteen minutes just about the painting. And so they made this great personal connection on that. So their thank you note definitely included that particular subject matter. And that person actually got a job offer from that, you know, painting. And so just those thank yous, those personal connections, and every thank you note should be different. So you don’t want to just put one thank you note and send it out to everyone and send it to the recruiter. Sometimes you can’t get those people’s information. And so, in that case, it’s okay to ask the recruiter to forward that message to you. But each message should be personalized for whatever it was that you spoke about in your informational interview or in your actual interview.

Jad Howell.



我认为这是一件艺术,因为在你的意义上,你想在三个或四个句子中总结一下对话,你知道,或者可能一度时间比这更长时间。令人难忘。正确的。我的意思是,谢谢你注意到。有时会密封这笔交易。我会告诉你什么,没有发送谢谢你注意。有时也会密封你的命运。正确的。所以他们被注意到了。它们预计会有一些水平。 So when you don’t do it, it stands out too. I get asked a lot when to send a thank you note. And I think for me it’s twenty-four hours. Maybe I’ll give you a grace period of thirty-six to forty-eight. But remember, they’re interviewing likely multiple people. Or if you’re not even interviewing for meeting with alumni. Right. You want to be top of mind. So it’s important you respond really quickly, and before they put you in the bucket that you’re not going to write them a note. Right. It’s important that you know, you proceed with that. And I also ask the question of how to write them. And I tend to give the advice, and Patrice and Renard feel free to chime in if you agree or disagree. But error on the side of formality, right? I mean, you’re not friends with this person yet. You don’t have the job, or you’re not an alumni yet if you’re on that level. Right. So, you know, I always suggest to be more formal. Maybe you don’t say the Mr. and Mrs. but, you know, it’s the dear, it’s the good morning, it’s the good afternoon, it’s the thank you very much. I can’t emphasize enough in any of these communications, whether it’s your intro info session outreach or your during the interview or afterwards when you’re writing a thank you note, slang is bad. Don’t you’re not texting your buddy, you know, I mean, this is not your family member, you know.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



是的,我想我们今天谈话的主题是领英。所以,当然,这是他们可以去的第一个地方或者他们可以去的第一个地方寻找信息,这样他们就知道面试委员会是谁。一定要在LinkedIn上搜索这些人,了解他们的背景,可能从教育到工作经验。有时人们甚至会在LinkedIn上加入兴趣小组。这也是了解一个人背景的好方法。但是这些人是对的。谷歌那些你将要面试的人,看看会出现什么。你知道,有没有写过任何文章或者在最近的出版物中提到过他们会帮助你了解他们的职业抱负和成就。同时,可以在Glassdoor上看看这个组织,或者在谷歌上看看他们在做什么?公司的发展轨迹是怎样的? Have they been mentioned for one of the best places to work, or have they been touted in the industry for what they do? So looking up that information as well, sometimes people use Facebook. I would just say, you know, be careful with Facebook because you don’t want to be too personal. So if there’s some information that you may be found on, there it may be a little weird if you say, oh, I saw that you have two kids and you just recently got married. Right. So I think that’s a little weird, in my opinion. But you can definitely maybe have that information to help guide and inform your interactions with that individual. Look in where they maybe went to college or if they went and got a certification from somewhere is also helpful because I have found that while you may not necessarily know that person in a personal level, it gives you a little bit of ease when you have a little bit more information about them, because it makes you feel like you have a connection and that you actually know them a little better than you do. So that’s my recommendation is just really looking up, get as much information as you can. And going back to what Patrice mentioned earlier, if you have that connection in terms of, you know, some commonalities, that helps you to be able to mention that in your interview when it’s appropriate. And so you may be saw that they went to a particular college or university and you have family members who went there maybe as you’re in passing or you may be going to the next interview. You can mention I noticed that you went to William & Mary. I have family members who went there as well, and they really enjoyed the institution. So that’s going to be that extra nugget or the extra care that you can put in your toolbox when you do either write that thank you note, or you follow up with them for that opportunity. You can say I was elated to see that we both had a connection to William & Mary, or we both had a connection to something else. And so definitely looking for those opportunities to stand out and to be able to sell yourself to them is great.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



是的,我想我会进入另一个层次,一旦你完成了所有这些,你知道的,要考虑的事情,了解媒介,对吧?我的意思是,现在,你是在做虚拟的吗?你要亲自去吗?正确的。这需要时间来准备。是通过电话,对吗?仔细思考并实践,因为这将是不同的体验?你是在和电脑说话吗?你是在和别人说话吗?肢体语言在某些情况下是非常重要的。 You know, and there’s a lot of resources as far as know, big interview and prepping. And the Cohen Career Center has great resources or prior students that worked there. Right. They might have some tips on how to know about the company or know about the people you’re interviewing with. But the biggest thing I can say is it comes back to practice. You’ve got to practice that elevator pitch, right? You’ve got to be able to say that in with confidence, no hesitation, know who you are, know what you’re trying to get across, and have that in 60 to 90 seconds. Be ready to go. And then, you know, when when you’re actually there on interview day, congratulations. Be on time. You appreciate you got there, but be on time. You know, dress the part, you know, be in a suit, have your hair done, you know, have shiny shoes, you know, make sure there’s no reason they, in theory, can judge you negatively. Right. I hate to say that, but that’s kind of the truth, right? I mean, you get one chance to showcase who you are and what you stand for and what you represent. And again, as Patrice said, you’re representing maybe another alumni that got you in the door. Or you’re representing Mason or Cohen or William & Mary. So we’re proud of you for being there. Take time to appreciate that you got there. But we’re here to help you if you want to talk through kind of what that looks like further.

Jad Howell.


