Nada Guanlun Liang

Class of 2019

Hometown:Beijing, China
Undergraduate University:Boston University
Class Year:2017
Major/Minor:Business Administration/Finance
Current Employer:Capital One
Position:Sr. Data Analyst

Why did you decide to pursue an MSBA degree?

After I graduated from my undergraduate studies, I had two internship experiences, one in project management and the other in asset management. Those experiences made me realize how important data is to business decisions. It is one of the most solid proofs that impactful choices are based upon. Being a person who always has an analytical mindset, an MSBA degree was definitely my choice to sharpen my problem-solving skills with practical tools. I'm really excited about the opportunity to be a data analyst and help to solve complex business problems by interpreting data into actionable insights.

Discuss some of the highlights you enjoyed in the program.

Several academic projects I worked on provided me with chances to work in a team setting with real-world data. Challenging yet informative and well-constructed assignments brought me a deeper understanding on specific analytical tools. The school organized career fairs and info sessions which gave me more exposure to possible career opportunities as well. I believe I am better prepared to start my career path as a data analyst or data scientist.

What excites you about the field of Business Analytics?

I see myself as a problem-solver and critical thinker. To me, the most exciting part of Business Analytics is that it allows me to back my decisions with statistical evidence that is structured, logical, and interpretable. Now my recommendations will be clearer and more persuasive for my audience to act on.

How would you describe our program to a prospective student?

If you love to solve problems, have an analytical mindset, love to work with code, are keen to find optimal solutions, hope to make an impact, want to start a career in the field of data analytics, and believe data can change the world, then the MSBA at William & Mary is the right place for you. After ten months of study, you will find yourself equipped with a handful of tools that are valued the most by the industry and allow you to explore your career interests with strong backup.



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