




  • 指导意味着什么
  • 指导兵会如何使导师和借导者有益
  • 伯利中心的师徒计划是如何发展的
  • Boehly Center的导师匹配计划后面的独特根源是什么?
  • 导师匹配程序如何将导师和芯片在一起
  • 成功的师徒关系的要素是什么
  • 学生在思考一项指导时应该考虑什么
  • 导师应该如何进入辅导关系



欢迎来到由威廉玛丽雷蒙德梅森商学院(William & Mary 's Raymond A. Mason School of Business)伯利卓越金融中心(Boehly Center for Excellence in Finance)提供的“金融职业”课程。本播客将探讨金融服务行业的各个领域,金融领域的职业道路,以及其他实用见解,这些见解将帮助学生更好地理解并为金融领域的职业成功做好准备。一定要订阅我们的播客,观看我们未来探索金融领域的视频。现在有请主持人,杰德·豪厄尔。

Jad Howell.



所以我是Julie agenew。我是威廉&玛丽的财务教授。我实际上毕业于学院九十一度的经济学位。所以我有一个令人难以置信的体验,这是一种梦想来到这里能够教学。在学校后,我做了一些沿着富布赖特奖学金的事情,然后在纽约和芝加哥在华尔街上工作,然后得到我的博士学位。然后非常兴奋地让工作提议回到这里。我在这里开始了我的20日,这是一个非常长的时间。作为威廉&玛丽的亮点之一能够与宽松的中心有关,你现在正在做一个神话般的工作。

Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.

我在新泽西长大,后来上了威廉玛丽学院。我学的是应用数学、金融和经济学。在威廉玛丽学院的时候,我做过助教,图书馆助理,还有兼职家教。今年5月毕业后,我开始在芝加哥怡安保险公司(Aon Insurance Solutions)担任精算分析师。

Jad Howell.



谢谢,Jad。我总是我永远不喜欢追随医生agenew,因为试图排队或匹配她的赞誉总是很难。所以谢谢你在三号中把我放在这里。但是Rick Hartman,班级的一千八级,是来自学院的政府专业。目前,我是副总裁兼再保险经纪人,Guy Carpenter和公司,基本上负责设计和放置再保险计划解决方案,以及为保险公司提供资本解决方案。我还领导我们的销售努力,为俘虏的客户细分市场,在Guy Carpenter内,在我的业余时间或空闲时间,在家里有一个14个月的美丽夏洛特。我希望她有一天是未来的学院毕业,也非常热衷于保险和再保险事业意识。

Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.


Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.


Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.


Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.



现在,我不想遵循这两个,因为这两个答案都很棒。但我想我只是说我同意他们两个人都说,而不是我想到一个导师,真的只是一种引导,这有点有你的兴趣。我认为在我们对宽松中心的关系的背景下,它真的是一个有助于你在大学后发现你的激情和那种道路。而且很有意思,因为这是我作为教授的观点。一旦你走进真实世界,就很容易忘记真正的世界是多么困难和不透明的时候是一个学生。对。人们在工作中实际做了什么?并让某人在另一方面,一切都真的很清楚能够帮助和解释我认为非常有用。而且我认为,在威廉和玛丽,这是一个独特的地方,我认为是一个家庭。当我上大学追求大学时,我很惊讶,并与人们谈话,他们震惊地说,我以名字认识我的教授并与他们有关系。 We are a family, and I think that once we graduate, we like to give back. And so I think you also get back. I remember spending a few years on the phone talking to people wanting to get jobs, and it was really satisfying for me to reconnect with the students at William & Mary.

Jad Howell.



嗯,你知道,这真的是一种可能一直都非正式存在的东西。我能在大学毕业后找到第一份工作,是因为斯特朗教授,一个教员,指导了我。然后我们的董事会成员之一,Molly McFarland Perrone,她比我大一岁,她在我想进入的行业工作。我记得在我重要的面试前一晚,我睡在纽约她的沙发上,她指导我,告诉我该怎么做。一旦我得到那份工作,我就觉得,你知道吗?我真的要帮助下一个人。这就是发生的过程。20年前,当我回到威廉玛丽公司时,我意识到我们仍然拥有它。但这是一个帮助更多的人获得这种指导的机会,因为我很幸运地坐在一个后来成为伟大导师的人旁边。但如果你没有那种幸运的经历,没有那种自然而然地遇到那个人的经历呢? So we started this club called the Finance Academy, and in the Finance Academy, we had a young alumni mentor program. But it was more Rita Murphy who worked for the Boehly Center and myself. We kind of knew the alums. And so when a student came and needed help, we were able to just mentally match people up. But at one point, we realized we really needed to scale this. And we also needed to make sure that if either of us weren’t around, that we don’t lose that kind of knowledge about the mentors. So I’m very grateful to the Boehlys started the Boehly Center gave us some resources. So the first one of the first initiatives was we had a hackathon at the college, and we used some Boehly Center money as a prize money to create a Match.com. Several of my students were getting married using Match.com, and we thought, oh, we can just use the same kind of architecture to connect our alums with our students. And the student did a great job, and we were able to then get an I.T. person to take what they started and create this Match.com where alumni’s would fill out a survey about their interests, whether they wanted to help somebody that really has no idea what they want to do, or they want someone in a specific industry that wants specific help with something. And the students could do the same. And then we just started matching people up. So we beta it, tested it for a while. But I’m really thrilled because from what I’ve heard this year, it’s actually now going to the next level, which is exciting to see.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.

当然,当然。所以我只发现了一年中的初级年大约一半的东西。所以在发现时,你知道,也许这是真正对我来说真正正确的职业,我意识到我不知道保险业的任何人。我的意思是,它很难,你知道,遇到这样的人。因此,正如教授在我们班上描述了导师匹配计划,我意识到这是一个完美的机会,看看我是否能找到某人,也许是保险业内的校友,因为当然,有在线资源。But I really feel like there’s nothing that compares to having someone who went to William & Mary, who took the same classes that you did and, you know, who ventured out into the industry, so that that was really what would draw me into it.

Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.




Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.

当然可以。我想我真正感激的是,就像里克说的,我不知道再保险是什么。这对我很有帮助,因为在我们谈话之前,我不知道。然后,通过我们的聊天和课程,我真正了解了再保险行业是如何运作的。这让我确信这可能是我想走的路。但同时,我也很感激里克总是那么贴心地提出建议。它们是根据我的经验和背景量身定制的。所以这对我来说真的是一个很好的机会,因为我可以从一个已经发明了轮子的人那里学到很多东西。我可以借用他学到的东西。所以我觉得这很好,因为这不是一个刚从大学毕业一两年的人。 This is someone who has seen the industry change. And you know, of course, also then I had the chance through Rick to meet with other alumni as well in the industry and gain even more perspective. So that was also a great pleasure.

Jad Howell.



是啊,这就是她的激情,对吧?你付出什么,就会得到什么。所以她从一开始就非常投入。她有一种渴望。她开车去接她。这让你想把这些线索联系起来。我想很多校友都是这么做的。朱莉为我介绍了跨大西洋运输公司的首席执行官,迈克·萨普纳,他也是威廉玛丽学院的校友。因此,我和迈克进行了几次谈话,他非常乐意花时间,我让亚历克西斯与迈克和TransRe的人取得了联系,让他去那里与他们的团队见面。但我也认为,作为一个导师,对我来说,生活就是成长和满足。 I always say that progress equals happiness. So I believe that we’re meant to grow so that we can often give back. And then, if we don’t grow, we ultimately don’t have anything we can give. So fulfillment has to comes more from just like the next promotion or the next career opportunity or the next bonus check. It’s really about, in my opinion, appreciation and contributing beyond ourselves. So, Alexis posed a great opportunity for me to contribute just beyond myself and help a fellow alum and help someone who is passionate about having a career in the insurance or reinsurance industry. I think, too, knowing that she has such an outgoing personality, which is really a unique skill set for an actuary. I knew she was going to be a quick hire for a lot of firms.

Jad Howell.

太好了。非常感谢你,瑞克。是啊,我也很喜欢那种视角。你说的很对。你知道,在人生的某个时刻,你需要转过身来,像你在生活中得到的一样回馈社会,帮助他人。也许朱莉,让我们回到你身边。你的导师。你已经提到了一些。在你的职业生涯中,这些关系是如何发展的?他们坚持吗? How have you been introduced to other mentors? Do you have other mentors that you’ve developed throughout your career? If you talk a little bit about that?


是的,我的意思是,当我还是威廉&玛丽的学生时,我仍然有导师。And then as I progressed through my career, it’s absolutely been invaluable to have people that you trust that if you have an issue or concern or you’re considering a new path or career path, that you can bounce ideas off of that, you know, have their best interests in mind. And I one thing that I realize is that I think that’s special about William & Mary, is since we’re a public institution, that we get people from all different backgrounds, and especially if you’re going into business, if you’re here at William & Mary, perhaps your parents were not involved in any type of a career in a finance area or something like that. And it’s really helpful to have people in those specific areas to help you along the way that can give you advice. And so I, you know, I really benefited when I ventured into new areas that nobody in my universe kind of have experience with. And I would really want to say to students that, you know, you should look for mentors and you should look to help others at all time. I think it is a good karma that comes from it when you help other people and do it not to get anything back from it. You’re surprised that in the future, ten years down the line, it’ll come back to you in another way. And I’ve certainly found that where I’m very grateful. There are a lot of people that I might have helped in their career early when they were students. And now they come back ten years later, and they’re doing all this stuff from my current students, and I just have such gratitude for that.

Jad Howell.


Alexis Vitali.

所以我会说,他们应该对不同的职业可能性开放。我非常感谢瑞克为我引入再保险,并真正帮助我成为我的光芒。但是,如果我对再保险接近的话,那么,那么可能从未发生过。所以我会有我肯定会对思想思考。在您了解更多关于这种体验以及那个职业道路之前,您永远不会知道。所以不要统治任何东西。然后,我也会说积极主动。有很多次你可能有一个问题,你可能不知道该怎么做。并且很难找到合适的资源。但是,你知道,导师,当然,也许忙,但他们总是在你身边。 And I’m so grateful for all the times that Rick has been there for me. So, you know, I’m sure that with a bit of time, you can always find a helpful answer. So that would be my advice.

Jad Howell.



我觉得我们听到了两个伟大的点,对吗?一个来自亚历克西斯的一个,就被思想而言,我认为这真的很重要。朱莉在寻求思想最优秀的导师方面有另一个出色的观察。这只是威廉和玛丽作为公共机构提供的好处,因为你得到了来自所有不同背景的学生和个人。在这里,我是一名政府专业,一直积极参与缅因力中心,狗街到华尔街计划,以及梅森商学院。所以你当然必须开放。但我可以在最大化导师,四个桶中的指导方面看,一个人真的来自导师的角度。也就是说,一个人,渴望帮助。我觉得更加渴望,我想,令人信仰越舒服。这允许真正更开放和诚实的谈话。 I think secondly, don’t expect perfection, right, Alexis? I think we had one or two hiccups with Zoom calls at first and totally could have shut down and thrown off, but maybe the pandemic’s probably taught us a little bit more patience with technology, but if you expect perfection, you’ll end up judging yourself or the mentee and that really benefits neither of you. Third, think of it as an opportunity to become a learning machine. Learning is really a two-way street. You have the mentor match program enables you to learn what’s important to students, what’s important to the future talent, future leaders. So I think it affords the mentor an opportunity to learn as well. And then lastly, it’s execution, and there’s nobody better here than Julie, as I mentioned earlier, in terms of execution. But as a mentor, you have to hold yourself accountable to any action items or follow up items that come out of these conversations. And I think Alexis did a great job, too. Right. So you’re going outputting your own name and your brand on the line with some of your contacts, some of your mentors in your respective industry. So when the mentee is representative of what you think the company is looking for, when they’re responsive, they’re engaged. Not only does it benefit them, but it also benefits you because it adds to your credibility.

Jad Howell.

这是很棒的。非常感谢。这对我很有帮助,就我个人而言,我很自私,我相信以后听这个播客的学生也会这样。我认为,你知道,对我的指导就是创造一个安全的地方。朱莉,你阿格纽教授,你提到过。你知道的,一个你可以信赖并能得到建设性反馈的人。我想,你知道,这是被提到在这个播客是不仅有介绍这是一个机会,被训练为一个特定的区域的一个行业,但也接受建设性的反馈又可以做些什么来改善自己在一个安全的地方,就像你提到的,阿格纽教授他们把你的最大利益放在心上。我们很高兴这个项目,阿格纽教授,你帮助启动了这个项目。亚历克西斯和里克,我们非常感谢你们的参与,感谢你们把它高高在上,让其他人也能看到它的成功。 At the end of this podcast, we will inform all of our listeners how they can participate going forward in this particular program through the Boehly Center. But for now, thank you, everybody, for your participation today. It’s been incredibly helpful.


宽松威廉卓越卓越中心卓越的财务职业是威廉&玛丽的雷蒙德A.梅森商务学院。行政制作人是杰弗里与洋红色文本制作合作。通过访问https://www.boehlycenter.www.simplesudz.com来了解更多关于颠乐剧中心的信息。如果您喜欢此播客,请与朋友分享,并在Apple Podcast上向我们留下评级和评估。